Now that you have recently purchased an electric vehicle, have you thought about how you wish to charge it? Planning to use public charging stations, how will you find them? With EV charging software such as Exploren, you can easily locate, reserve and start a charging session.
Due to the increase in EV sales, EV charging software has been developed to make monitoring and charging simpler. We, Exploren have created the Exploren app to make EV charging easier and to give drivers the confidence that they can access a charger even on the road.
What is EV Charging Software?
EV charge point management software (CPMS) is a digital platform that connects EV charging stations with users and backend systems. Its purpose is to ease the charging process by allowing users to locate charging stations, access, and pay for charging. It also allows operators to track, manage, and resolve issues remotely. EV charging software is designed to cater to the needs of property managers, network operators, fleet leaders and individual drivers.
Core Functions of EV Charging Software
1. Driving Reliability:
CPMS are useful to both drivers and operators as it gives drivers the ability to charge in public areas giving them freedom from range anxiety. Charging software, like Exploren, allows drivers to find their nearest charger, see if it’s available and monitor the charging status to know exactly when their charging is complete. They can also check, prior to arriving, if a charger is unavailable for use.
On the other hand, operators such as fleet managers or charge point owners must ensure their chargers are always working properly to allow drivers to charge their vehicles. Therefore, charging software allows operators to track their charger’s status, identify any faults and fix them remotely.
2. User Access and Authentication:
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a wireless communication system between a reader device (such as the charger) and a tag or card. In EV charging, RFID cards are a form of authentication. Users are able to link RFID cards straight to their EV charging software account. It’s as simple as tap and charge at the charging station.

Another form of authentication is via QR codes on chargers simply scan the QR code with the Exploren driver app and follow the instructions. If needed, you can also enter the station ID into the designated section in the app.

Transactions are made easy with the Exploren app, simply link your card to the app. This ensures you never need to carry cash or interact with a charger physically.
3. Energy Management
As discussed earlier, Exploren is not only beneficial to drivers but also operators. It allows operators to easily balance the load of multiple chargers, to ensure no charger is overloading the grid and causing issues, therefore saving money on unnecessary charging infrastructure.
Load management refers to the automated and dynamic control of energy sent to your EV chargers to ensure they remain protected and undamaged. This allows higher powered chargers to be installed and adjusted depending on the grid’s capability. For example, if you have four 22kW chargers installed but your infrastructure can only handle 22kW, each charger can adapt depending on the usage of the other chargers.

4. Billing and Payments
Exploren software simplifies the payment process for EV charging, it offers flexibility and convenience for both the users and operators. Tariff fees are set by the charger owners with a number of possible tariffs including time-based fees, energy-based fees and flat plugin rates. kWh rates are commonly used as they bill the driver for the electricity they use when they are charging.
Automated invoicing is supported by Exploren and allows users to receive their invoice directly to their email after a charging session is completed. This reduces the impact on the environment and simplifies the transaction process.
Exploren’s advanced payment system supports your payment preferences making EV charging and billing easy.
5. Data Insights and Reporting
EV charging software equips operators with advanced tracking and reporting capabilities, enabling them to monitor charger usage and energy consumption. This helps operators determine charger utilisation rates and make informed decisions, such as adjusting tariffs based on demand patterns.
The integration of application programming interfaces (APIs) enhances these capabilities by seamlessly merging reporting into existing business systems, providing actionable insights that help drive operational efficiency.
By leveraging this technology, operators align with environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles, promoting energy efficiency, reducing waste and supporting a sustainable future. This strengthens their business while enhancing the user experience.
What is OCPP?
Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) is the standard communication protocol between the CPMS and charging hardware. It allows for interoperability between certified chargers and software, which gives you the ability to select your preferred hardware and software based on your needs. This ensures you are not locked into a specific ecosystem which simplifies upgrades and expands compatibility with a wide range of chargers and networks. Additionally, OCPP provides a framework for external systems to communicate with charging infrastructure. This makes such advancements as V2G and auto-change possible. Its widespread adoption enhances the reliability and accessibility of EV charging networks and is key to maintaining a reliable and connected EV charging system.
Benefits of EV Charging Software
For Individual Users:
EV charging software offers users convenience by providing access to nearby chargers with predetermined pricing, enabling them to find the best-priced option in their area. Once at the charging station you can track your session remotely while you do your groceries or other shopping and know exactly how long until your charging is complete. EV charging software provides insights into cost optimisation practices and may adjust the pricing during off-peak hours when chargers are not frequently in use.
For Businesses and Fleets
EV charging software provides many benefits to both businesses and fleets by enhancing the operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.
As previously mentioned, EV charging software provides real-time information on the status of each charging station through uptime and utilisation reporting. Features such as load management help ensure the grid is not overloaded, which reduces the downtime of the chargers, while also allowing you to maximise the usage of your current infrastructure.
An easy-to-use platform is essential to ensure users remain satisfied with the service. EV charger software allows businesses to provide features like charger locations, as well as offering multiple payment options. On top of this, personalised notifications on session progress and price sent to the user enhance the overall experience and foster a loyal relationship between the user and business operator.
The collection of data provided by the charging software helps businesses make data driven decisions on the expansion of their charging infrastructure. This data allows the business to accurately determine whether their infrastructure is performing well, or adjustments need to be made.
Exploren benefits both the operators and users, enhancing the overall charging experience. By providing a simple to use platform at the fingertips of any user, we are accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles. From charger location to charging prices Exploren eases the lives of all who use it.

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