As the electric vehicle (EV) revolution sweeps across Australia, the government is taking significant steps to ensure the smooth functioning of the infrastructure supporting this eco-friendly wave. New legislation set to be enforced in 2024 will focus on the uptime of government-funded EV charging stations, a crucial element in sustaining the growth of EVs on Australian roads. This legislation aligns the nation with global standards and emphasizes the need for reliability in the charging network. 

The Challenge: Broken Electric-Car Chargers 

The surge in EVs comes with its own set of challenges, one being the reliability of charging stations. Broken or out-of-order charging stations have become a growing concern, hindering the seamless experience that EV users expect. To address this issue, Australia is set to introduce standards that mandate government-funded charging stations to be operational 98% of the time. 

Global Standards for Uptime: A Model for Australia 

The new legislation mirrors international standards, with the UK requiring a 99% uptime and the US setting the bar at 97%. This not only ensures consistency in service but also positions Australia as a global player in promoting a reliable EV charging network. The focus extends beyond uptime, incorporating additional requirements such as a common payment system, multiple charging port options, and the widespread use of the Combined Charging System (CCS) plug. 

Uptime Legislation in Detail: Charging Infrastructure Upgrades 

To comply with the legislation, each government-funded EV fast charging station must now have two DC charging units, each equipped with two ports. Stations capable of delivering 150kW or more are required to have at least one ‘drive-through’ bay, catering to larger vehicles, including those towing trailers. 

Furthermore, the legislation mandates that 70% of the plugs at each government-funded fast-charging location be CCS connectors. Cables must be sufficiently long to accommodate vehicles with front, side, and rear charging ports. Notably, existing government-funded charging sites are exempt from these upgrades, promoting a smooth transition into the new standards. 

Exploren: Pioneering OCPP Charging Management Software 

To assist charging station operators in meeting these stringent requirements, Exploren is a type of OCPP charging management software for EV chargers in Australia and New Zealand. Exploren offers intelligent billing applications, allowing operators to bill users for energy usage and time spent at the charge point. Its smart energy management features provide custom load management applications tailored to specific locations and energy needs. 

As Australia gears up for the 2024 legislation aimed at enhancing the reliability of government-funded electric-car charging stations, the importance of robust charging infrastructure cannot be overstated. The global alignment of standards, coupled with innovative solutions like Exploren, marks a significant leap toward a future where electric vehicles are not just a choice but a reliable and convenient mode of transportation for all Australians. 

In the rapidly evolving landscape of electric vehicles (EV) charging infrastructure, the need for efficient and scalable solutions has never been more crucial. Exploren, with its cutting-edge software solution, emerges as a game-changer, providing a host of benefits over the traditional, non-software-dependent alternatives. We will delve into the advntages that Exploren possesses compared to a non-software solution and highlight the potential consequences of not adopting this innovative software. 

Automation of Billing: 

Exploren’s software streamlines the billing process seamlessly. Customers can pay using their accounts at the time of the session, with the software automatically transferring the funds to the Exploren account, where they are held for one month, making it a completely automated process. On the contrary, a no-software solution involving manual meters incurs additional costs due to the installation of physical hardware. This not only adds an extra financial burden on customers but also lacks scalability. Without Exploren’s software, the manual process can lead to increased operational costs, potential billing inaccuracies, and a less adaptable system. 

Cost efficiency and accuracy:  

Exploren’s software eliminates the need for manual intervention, saving man-hours and removing the risk of human errors. With the ability to track all information confidently and accurately, the Exploren solution results in cost savings for both the corporate body and residents. On the contrary, the no-software solution requires a monthly check of each meter, which is not only time-consuming but also not a viable long-term option. Without Exploren’s software, the absence of automation may result in increased labour costs, higher chances of billing errors, and a lack of long-term sustainability.  

On-Demand support:
One of Exploren’s standout features is its on-demand support, allowing for remote diagnosis of errors and prompt alerts. This translates to faster support and fixed rates, ensuring a superior user experience for customers. In contrast, a no-software solution lacks the ability to remotely diagnose issues, potentially leading to prolonged downtime and inconvenience for users. Without Exploren’s software, the absence of on-demand support can result in slower issue resolution, increased vehicle downtime, and diminished overall user experience.  

Constant monitoring & tracking:
Exploren provides a comprehensive solution for monitoring and tracking charging sessions, offering detailed insights into times, durations, and more. This real-time data empowers customers to visualise their session history conveniently through the Exploren app on their phones. On the other hand, a no-software solution lacks the capability to provide such visualisations, leaving the body corporate in the dark regarding charger status and usage data. Without Exploren’s software, the inability to monitor and visualise data in real-time may lead to a lack of transparency, reduced control over charging infrastructure, and potentially compromised service quality.  


In the era of smart technology, Exploren stands out as a beacon of innovation in the EV charging industry. The software solution not only enhances efficiency but also offers cost savings, scalability, on-demand support, and detailed monitoring capabilities. As electric vehicle adoption continues to rise, having a reliable and intelligent software solution like Exploren becomes not just an advantage but a necessity for the sustainable future of charging infrastructure. Without it, the consequences may include increased operational costs, billing inaccuracies, slower issue resolution, and a diminished overall user experience, highlighting the critical importance of embracing technology for the future of EV charging.  

Have further questions about Exploren? Contact us:
1300 755 087 

The world is in the midst of a profound shift towards sustainability and cleaner transportation options, with electric vehicles (EVs) leading the charge. As the EV revolution gains momentum, so does the need for more advanced and efficient charging infrastructure. We’ll explore the importance of staying ahead of the curve in terms of electric vehicle charging and future-proofing the hardware and software for enhanced capabilities, such as higher phased power and intelligent load management. 

  1. The Electric Vehicle Revolution:

The transition to electric vehicles is not just a trend; it’s a global movement driven by environmental concerns and technological advancements. As more EVs hit the roads, the infrastructure that supports them must evolve to meet the growing demand. 

  1. The Need for Advanced Hardware:

Higher Phased Power: The emergence of three-phase power charging stations is a game-changer. These stations can deliver significantly more power, reducing charging times and expanding the range of EVs that can benefit from fast charging. Keeping your infrastructure up-to-date with higher phased power is essential. 

  1. Intelligent Load Management Software:

Optimizing Charging:  Load management software ensures that power distribution is balanced, preventing overloads and minimizing energy wastage. By implementing this software, you not only improve charging efficiency but also reduce operational costs. Exploren software effectively covers various aspects of EV charging including billing, branding and load management.  

  1. Benefits of Staying Ahead:

Attracting Customers: Forward-thinking businesses that embrace the latest EV charging technology are more likely to attract and retain customers. EV owners seek convenience and speed when charging their vehicles, and they’ll choose stations that meet these needs. 

Operational Efficiency: Future-proofing your hardware and software is a smart financial move. It minimizes the risk of obsolescence and the need for costly upgrades down the line. It also streamlines your operations by optimizing energy usage and maintenance. 

  1. Environmental Impact

Reduced Emissions: Faster charging times and smarter load management help reduce the time EVs spend at charging stations. This, in turn, lowers greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable environment. 

As electric vehicles become increasingly popular, embracing advanced technology and future-proofing your charging infrastructure is more critical than ever. It not only benefits your business but also contributes to a greener, more sustainable future. By investing in higher phased power hardware and intelligent load management software, you’ll be at the forefront of the EV revolution, providing faster, more efficient, and eco-friendly charging solutions for all. So, make the commitment to stay ahead of the curve, and let your charging stations power a cleaner tomorrow. 

Have any questions? Contact us:
1300 755 087 

Optimizing electric vehicle fleets with Exploren OCPP software – 

The Exploren OCPP software represents a powerful asset for optimising electric vehicle (EV) fleets and empowering fleet managers with a wealth of informative data on their fleet and charging behaviour. 

OCPP is an acronym for Open Charge Point Protocol. OCPP software serves as a standardized communication framework. It is a specific and shared language between EV charging stations and charging station management systems (Exploren) that allows information to be freely and seamlessly exchanged. Our Exploren software has been designed to integrate with EV Charging stations and provide real-time monitoring and control of charging sessions, as well as data analysis and reporting. Fleet managers have complete oversight over their vehicles, live charging and historical data to manage efficiently and make more informed, data-driven decisions.  

With Exploren OCPP software, EV fleet managers can monitor and optimize their charging infrastructure in several ways through the extensive suite of functionalities. For example, they can: 

Monitor charging sessions in real-time:  

The real-time monitoring feature of Exploren OCPP software empowers EV fleet managers with a comprehensive view of all ongoing charging sessions. This means they can keep a watchful eye on charging progress, ensuring that vehicles are getting the power they need precisely when required. Moreover, the software sends timely notifications, instantly alerting managers when charging is completed or interrupted. More importantly, alters if one of the chargers goes offline to ensure the issue can be identified and rectified with minimal effect on scheduled charging.  This level of oversight enables precise scheduling and optimization of charging times, ensuring that each vehicle is fully charged and ready for its next assignment 

Analyse charging data:  

One of the key strengths of Exploren OCPP software lies in its data analysis capabilities. Fleet managers can collect and analyse a wealth of information related to EV charging. This includes details on energy consumption, charging durations, and associated costs. By leveraging this data, managers can spot usage trends, identify outliers, and gain valuable insights into the performance of their EV fleet. This analysis provides a solid foundation for optimizing charging infrastructure, reducing operational costs, and enhancing overall efficiency. 

Manage multiple charging stations:  

Efficiency is further amplified through the software’s support for multiple charging stations. Regardless of the size and complexity of the charging network, EV fleet managers can seamlessly oversee all charging stations from a centralized platform. This centralization allows for remote control of charging stations, enabling managers to initiate, halt, or adjust charging sessions as needed. Additionally, the software provides tools for modifying charging rates and managing user access, simplifying the administration of a diverse fleet. 

Integrate with other systems:  

Exploren OCPP software’s flexibility extends to integration with other critical fleet management systems. This includes vehicle tracking, maintenance scheduling, and service management. The software serves as the vital tool that connects and streamlines these functions. For instance, integrating with vehicle tracking systems enables real-time tracking of EVs, ensuring efficient deployment and route optimization. Maintenance and scheduling integration ensures that EVs are serviced promptly and effectively. This holistic approach delivers a comprehensive solution for managing every aspect of an EV fleet, from charging to operational logistics 

In summary, Exploren OCPP software is an excellent tool for optimizing fleets. It provides real-time monitoring and control of charging sessions, data analysis and reporting, and integration with other fleet management systems. This can help fleet managers reduce costs, improve efficiency, and ensure that their EVs are always charged and ready to go. 

Have any questions? Contact us:
Phone: 1300 755 087 


Electric vehicles (EVs) are undoubtedly contributing towards a greener future. Governments and councils worldwide are embracing this transformation by implementing EV charging infrastructure. However, a concern often revolves around recouping the initial investment. Councils and governments are able to capitalise on the increase of EVs through charger revenue – a strategy that not only offsets the costs but also generates a substantial return on investment.  

On average, a well-located DC charging station can generate around $100 revenue per day. By taking into consideration energy costs, O&M and Software costs of $2000 per year, this results in around $50 of profit. With an initial investment of $50,000 for a DC charger, the charger revenue strategy yields an ROI of approximately 21% per annum. This percentage represents much more than mere profitability; it signifies sustainability in both ecological and financial realms. The ability to not only pay off the initial investment but also generate a substantial profit.  

Charger revenue exemplifies how forward-thinking councils and governments can balance economic growth with environmental sustainability. As EV adoption accelerates, the demand for charging infrastructure will only rise. By investing in such solutions and capitalising on charger revenue, councils and governments can effectively align financial progress with the broader goal of reducing carbon footprints.  

Moreover, the $50,000 investment in EV charging stations is not just an expenditure; it’s an entryway into a profitable, eco-conscious future. Through strategic placement, customer-focused billing models, and efficient management, charger revenue can transform an upfront cost into a thriving revenue stream. It’s time for governments and councils to take the driver’s seat in shaping a sustainable, profitable tomorrow.  

Have any questions? Contact us on: 

1300 755 087 

Disclaimer: the numerical values used in this blog are for illustrative purposes and may not reflect real-world conditions. Actual revenue and returns may vary based on location, charging patterns, and operational costs 

As electric vehicles continue to grow in popularity, so does the demand for EV charging infrastructure. With more and more charging stations being installed, it is crucial to have a reliable and scalable management system in place to ensure that the network operates efficiently. This is where Exploren as an OCPP (Open Charge Point Protocol) platform comes into play. 

OCPP is an open-source protocol that enables seamless communication and interoperability between charging stations and central management systems. It provides a standardised way for different charging station manufacturers and management systems to communicate with each other, regardless of the hardware or software being used. There are numerous benefits and implications for a charger that is OCPP-compliant. By adopting an OCPP platform, charging station operators can unlock the full potential of their charging network. 


As an EV charging network grows, OCPP ensures that new charging stations can easily integrate into any existing infrastructure without compatibility issues. This scalability is essential for future-proofing the network and accommodating the increasing demand for EV charging. 

Advanced Functionalities 

OCPP enables advanced functionalities such as:  

Operators can implement smart charging strategies to optimise energy usage. For example, charger speeds can be limited to reduce the consumption of electricity during peak hours. 

For chargers installed on backbone infrastructure that cannot support a number of chargers at full speed, load management strategies can be implemented to ensure the electrical system operates within safe working conditions. This capability is particularly valuable for fleet operators, commercial charging networks, and utilities looking to efficiently manage their electrical infrastructure. 

For chargers installed on backbone infrastructure that cannot support a number of chargers at full speed, load management strategies can be implemented to ensure the electrical system operates within safe working conditions.  

Online communication over OCPP allows the charger to send diagnostics and charger logs over the cloud, allowing operators full granularity of how their charger is operating and its state at any time, all without physically interacting with the charger on site. 

OCPP allows billing users for electricity consumption, even without a physical credit card unit installed on the charger. This minimises the cost of components in a charger and negates the use of credit card skimmers to steal customer payment information. 

Real-time data monitoring 

Operators can access valuable insights about charging sessions, energy consumption, and station performance. This data-driven approach allows for proactive maintenance, improved user experience, and reliable operation of the EV charging network. Exploren allows data analysis and insight into market statistics regarding EV charging. 

Smart charging and energy sustainability 

OCPP aligns perfectly with sustainability and renewable energy integration goals. OCPP-compliant charging stations can be seamlessly integrated with renewable energy sources and energy management systems, optimising the use of clean energy and better integrating EV charging with the grid.  

To leverage the vast array of features that OCPP offers, it is important to choose charging stations and central management systems that support this protocol. Many industry-leading companies provide OCPP-compliant solutions, offering the flexibility to select the best combination of hardware and software for the charging network. 

In conclusion, OCPP is a game-changer in the world of EV charging infrastructure. The open-source nature, interoperability, scalability, and support for advanced functionalities of the OCPP system is the only choice for unlocking the full potential of an EV charging network. By adaopting the Exploren solution for new or existing charging networks, operators can enjoy seamless communication between a centralised platform and their chargers, smart charging capabilities, remote monitoring, and integration with renewable energy sources. Embracing the power of OCPP will take EV charging networks to the next level of efficiency and sustainability. 

For more information on the Exploren network, contact a member of our team.  

1300 755 087 

As electric vehicles have become increasingly popular in Australia and as vehicle manufacturers pledge to stop selling internal combustion engines (ICE), one of the biggest questions EV owners have is “How will I charge my car in public?”, and “How much does it cost to charge an electric car at a public EV charging station in Australia?” 

The costs of public EV charging stations can vary greatly depending on the power level of the charger being used, and the type of EV you have. However, recharging your EV at even the pricier EV chargers will still cost significantly less than refueling with petrol or diesel.  

There are two types of chargers you will see available for public charging: AC or DC.  

What’s the difference between AC and DC Charging Stations? 

All batteries store DC (direct current) electricity, whether they are small AAA batteries or huge EV batteries – however, AC (alternating current) electricity is the form in which electricity is moved in power lines, across utility poles. 

When your vehicle is charged, this AC electricity needs to be converted into DC electricity first. This is done by a device called a rectifier; your EV will have one somewhere! 

Unfortunately, these rectifiers have a power limit, which is why AC charging can be slow. However, DC chargers have their own rectifier, allowing electricity to move directly from the charger into your vehicle’s battery. 

AC chargers are typically found in locations where a driver is parked for a longer period, such as shopping centres or movie theatres. AC stations have a maximum power of 22kW.  

DC charging stations are found in high turnover areas such as service stations, and along highways where drivers are travelling for long distances. These stations can reach up to 350kW of power!  

How long does it take to charge an electric car in Australia? 

AC chargers will typically charge an EV from 0-100% in about 8 hours (depending on the vehicle) and are mostly used to top-up batteries in public settings.  

DC charging times will vary greatly depending on the power level of the charger and the EV model’s battery capacity. For many EVs, a 150kW DC charger can fully charge in under an hour.  

Every EV is different and charging speeds will differ from model to model.  

What is the cost to charge an electric car at a public charging station? 

The average public AC charger cost on the Exploren platform is priced between $0.40 – $0.60 per kWh. 

As DC chargers have such a large variety of levels of power (from 40kW- 350kW), the cost varies greatly – faster chargers typically bill users at a premium price. The average DC charger on the Exploren platform is $0.60-$0.80. 

For example, how much would it cost to charge a Tesla and how long does it take to charge a Tesla? 

Using Australia’s bestselling EV- Tesla Model 3 

If a Tesla Model 3 has an 80kW battery and after driving for the day is sitting at 50% capacity (40kW) 

In conclusion, understanding how EV charging works and the different types of charging stations available can make a huge difference in both time and cost.  

With more and more charging stations being installed across Australia, finding an EV charger for your vehicle while you’re on the go is becoming increasingly convenient. By knowing the charging options and the associated costs, you can make the most of your EV charging experience. 

If you have questions about charging on an Exploren charging station, contact us at 


1300 755 087